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Yoga Class

We know that many parents would like their children to experience yoga, but with busy work schedules and after school activities it can be hard to make it. Therefore We’re making things easier by bring yoga to your children! Yoga Classes are fun and creative. Kids will be encourage to respect and pay attention to their bodies, making sure each pose feels good and coming in and out of positions when they feel ready. Yoga helps children develop better focus and concentration through practices like mindful breathing and structured movements. This can improve their attention span and academic performance.


The Cursive Letters Kindergarten offers a planned, sequential and progressive approach, ensuring that each child is actively engaged in high quality physical education and sports programs. The program significantly enhances children’s fitness levels and greatly improves the overall concentration, commitment and self esteem; leading to higher attendance, positive behavior and achievements. Sports classes help children develop physical skills, strength, and coordination, promoting overall health and fitness. Kids learn to work together towards common goals, which enhances their social skills and fosters a sense of community and camaraderie.

Arts & Craft

Arts & Craft helps children express themselves more freely & it’s crucial to a child’s development. Children that are exposed to art early are known to do better and go further in life as art creates an inner connection within the child to its outer environment. Involving in arts and craft activity is a part of the curriculum for all our learning programs at Cursive Letters Kindergarten. Engaging in arts and crafts activities enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Tasks such as drawing, cutting, and assembling require precision and control, which contribute to improved dexterity and overall motor development.

Dance & Music Class

Our Preschool program introduces young children to the basics of dance along with the fun and joy it provides. Enhance gross development, listening skills and nurture the creative spirit. Young children typically respond with energy and enthusiasm to our dance, music and movement sessions. Singing Songs, Playing music and Moving to a beat provides stimulating experiences for young children and fosters learning. Dance and music classes stimulate various areas of the brain involved in learning and memory. Through rhythm, movement, and musical patterns, children improve their cognitive skills, such as concentration, problem-solving, and spatial awareness.
We are all about making learning fun and exciting for kids! We aim to provide a balanced education that combines strong academic fundamentals with exciting extracurricular activities, including arts, sports, music, and more.


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